Mandatory Hotel Quarantine in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

I moved to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam in January 2021 and this was the standard protocol for everyone coming in overseas.

There was only one flight that was entering Ho Chi Minh every few days, and it was on Emirates Airlines. AKA super expensive. We also had to fly literally entirely around the world: 17 hours from Los Angeles to Dubai, and then 11 more hours to Ho Chi Minh. Once we arrived we had to go through health checks in the airport and then were taken into quarantine.

In this video, I'm giving you a sneak peak into Vietnam's mandatory HOTEL QUARANTINE. I was taken on a shuttle bus directly from Saigon Airport to the Riverside Hotel to do my 14-day quarantine. Which looked a little something like this:

  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner was delivered to my door by room service

  • Daily temperature checks at 8am and 5pm

  • COVID test on day 1 and 14